Carving Out a New Chapter

Lumine provides businesses with the certainty of execution, and peace of mind knowing their divesting asset will never be resold to a competitor. We provide a new chapter for the divesting asset building a future of long-term, sustainable success. Once joining Lumine, divested business experience:

  • Access to 1000+ service provider customers to drive internationalization and global growth

    Access to 600+ service provider customers to drive internationalization and global growth

  • Focus & best practice sharing from industry experts to accelerate product road

    Focus & best practice sharing from industry experts to accelerate product roadmap

  • A smooth and efficient transition process for existing customers & employees

    A smooth and efficient transition process for existing customers & employees

  • Talent development opportunities for top-performing leaders

    Talent development opportunities for top-performing leaders

Buy & Hold Forever

As a permanent owner of businesses, you can rest assured knowing we will never resell the asset to a competitor. Unlike Private Equity and Venture Capital investors, we invest in businesses for the long term. We work with our divested corporate entities to ensure a smooth transition and encourage enduring customer relationships and long-term growth.

Experience & Expertise

Our M&A knowledge has been sharpened through transactions with numerous corporate entities that range in size and geography, including Velocix and Motive, sold by Nokia, and Openwave Messaging sold by Synchronoss, to name a few.

Icons representing communication between parties

Customer Protection

Lumine enables a greater focus on the needs of the specific market. Post-acquisition, we ensure continuity of existing customer relationships. We will continue to strengthen customer relationships by investing in R&D and developing employees. To ensure that day-to-day operations continue without interruption to your customers, we help communicate the organizational change and ensure service level agreements are met.

Speed & Certainty of Close

Funding from our internal sources, paired with a team of in-house tax, legal, HR, IT, data security, and finance due-diligence experts, means Lumine is often able to close transactions within 90 days from signing a Letter of Intent (LOI). Having legal entities, payroll providers, and service centers across the globe ensures that deals can get done quickly and efficiently, regardless of geography.

Hear their Stories

Lumine Group acquired the Messaging & NetworkX business units from Synchronoss on November 1, 2023, as part of Synchronoss' strategic review to enhance shareholder value. In this interview with Synchronoss' CEO, he highlights how this transaction with Lumine unlocked value for the acquired assets and for Synchronoss. 


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